Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kitchen Experiments part 2

I didn't have a spot of continuous bright sunlight to dry out the tapioca flakes so they didn't dry out the way I would have liked.  After the second day, I decided to put it in the oven that was still hot after baking pretzels.  When I took out the chips they were dry and crumbly.  I tried pulverizing them with my puree thing, but chips just started flying so I used my blender.  It created a fine dust that smoked out of the top of the blender, but still had a few chunkier pieces on the bottom.  The one root I had, probably about 7 inches long and about 2 inches in diameter created about 2/3 cup of powder.
I cooked it with water, like when I make glue out of flour, adding 2/3 cup at a time.  The first 2/3 cup of water got soaked up as soon as I put it in.  The second mixed better, but made a bunch of lumps.  The third seemed like a bit too much water, but then mixed in better after it started cooking.  It's pretty lumpy and grainy, and not at all the color I had imagined (brown, not white or gooey).  Not crazy about the smell either.
I had imagined being able to coat random things in it and setting it outside to see how they weathered.  But haven't gotten that far.  Will have to wait until I get back from vacation or I come up with another potion.  I'm thinking I should toss this batch and try experimenting with the pristine white tapioca flour I saw at the asian store the last time I was there...

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